Call Guru Gutter Cleaning Athens GA. We Clean Gutters The Right Way. With a Vacuum!
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(706) 702-8052
Athens, GA

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Job Details

Location of Job: Athens, GA
When: Oct 7, 2021
Service Category: Commercial
Services Performed: Gutter Cleaning
Brief Explanation

WOW!!! These gutters had not been cleaned in years and years. We see plants coming out of gutters all the time but these commercial gutters gave these plants...TREES room to expand and grow.

They had grown so strong and thick that a lot of them had to be trimmed up before we could pull them out of the gutters.

The customer called us just in time. Any longer an their entire gutters would have had to be removed in order to get these trees out.

Gutter Cleaning Experts

This is just one more example of why you want to hire the experts to clean your gutters. We compete on quality, expertise, equipment, convenience, reliability and so much more!

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Call Today!
(706) 702-8052
Athens, GA
Client Testimonial
Friendly tech, quick service. ~ Jessi Curley - Athens, GA

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Did you know that?

Did you know that as a home owner or a building owner you need to have your gutters cleaned at least once a year. In fact, most homes and businesses in Georgia need their gutters cleaned 2x a year.

However, gutters are out of sight and mind and people often forget. We have maintenance packages to help with that!

Did you know that ladders can damage gutters?

It is true and it happens all the time

Ladders leaning against gutters with people walking up the ladders can dent, ding, scratch and bend the gutter.

That is just one more reason why keeping people off ladders and off your roof benefits you as a customer.